Monday, July 21, 2014

In Memoriam

Now seems like a good time to talk about death.

Why, you ask? Why? Well, because I keep seeing a lot of it.
Don't worry-only of the fictional sort at the moment. Unfortunately, a lot of them were unwanted.
See, I support people dying in books or TV shows. No one dies, no stakes, no suspense, no emotion-nobody cares. A certain amount of realism is needed, or else the whole system falls apart. And death in fiction can be Sometimes it's the offing of a character nobody really liked. Or maybe it's the speculation-who goes(or who goes next, depending upon the bloody nature of some universes)?
But I think we all have those deaths we just didn't want. They can be few and far between, but they're there.
For me, a huge cause for this is the outcry: "THEY HAD SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR". Characters who were young, had a lot in front of them, had family-I'm lookin' at you, Jo Rowling. Some deaths are just too freaking tragic.
Another cause for displeasure is if the death was simply unnecessary. Authors have the rare privilege to essentially play God in their respective universes. When playing that game, death is a tool, in my humble opinion, something only to be dealt out when realistic and acceptably necessary. Or else your fans will throw a huge hissy fit. You do not want fans throwing fits. You want them placid and pacified. They are dangerous.
The only other reason I'd truly be pissed if a character died is if I simply loved them too much. I mean, with most characters, I'm perfectly happy to be entertained by their suffering. But there is the occasional character I would really just like to wrap in my arms and protect from everything bad ever. Unfortunately, I can't do that.
Of course, sometimes I don't mind. I appreciate a good tearjerker. I don't know, maybe all serious fanpeoples are also serious masochists. I get entertainment out of sobbing my eyes out. What do you think that says about me?
The life of a fanperson is very, very complicated.
May your swords stay sharp and your chocolate stocks always plentiful.

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