Thursday, June 19, 2014

....On A Spiritual Level

After a long period of deliberation that involved very little active thinking, I've decided to venture into a scary, largely unfamiliar, and potentially disastrous area of blogging.
Insert a frightening finger wiggle and suspenseful music here.
I'm going to......
Review. That's right, cuties, I'm going to inflict my opinions on you. Without further adieu, our ruminating for today: Fangirl, by my very favorite non-fantasy author, Rainbow Rowell. 
This boy's my first review because I, in a dry spot in my summer reading fest, decided to revisit it. And, boy, was it a good idea. I'm not quite sure of the best way to do this, so I'm just going to go through the various aspects and angles of this touching, funny book. Unfortunately, there's not much I can say about this book without spoilers, so if you haven't read it, I advise viewer discretion. Seriously, just go and read it. It's fantastic and you'll love every second.