Friday, March 28, 2014

The Slap

It is the plight only of a nerd to get a punch in the gut from an inanimate object.

Monday, March 24, 2014

When Fandoms Suck

So, I feel a strong urge to rant today. I kind of wonder if I'll lose followers for this, as some might stop reading in about five seconds. Oh bloody well.
And what is this great controversial topic I'm speaking of? Pro-life vs. Pro-Choice? Gay rights? Religion?
Nope. Twilight.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Truth Is Out There

Do you believe the voice?
I want to believe.
Hello, there, my darlings. A little birdie today got me thinking about something. Surprise, surprise-today's post actually has a theme, and I can summarize it with the question: Do you believe?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Initiate Contact

Hey, you know what sounds fun? Creating a deceptively hipster blog.

Sometimes I laugh at myself. Sometimes it's very necessary. 
I suppose I should introduce myself. Abigail, teenager, and professional fangirl. Member of a middling large family that's currently watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Do you see why I'm a little nuts?I must stop now and give a warning to the reader: this blog may be inappropriate for adults(for silliness, randomness, and explicit scenes of hopeless fangirling). Are you an adult? If you are, you outrank me and I can't stop you. Besides, I'm too frazzled from yesterday's Buffy marathon and the fact that this font is reminding me of my Lit assignments. 
As I get older and older, I wonder if my general prejudice toward classic books was a strike of youthful idiocy. Then again, that's only accounting for a few good books(Harper Lee, I'm looking at you. Why did you only write once?). I make no promises for, say, Tolstoy. 
What would these people do if they knew they were still remembered? I don't know about you, but I would love to see Lady Jane's reaction to Colin Firth. Or, better yet, Tolkien's reaction to Lee Pace and Orlando Bloom. Tell me it wouldn't be priceless. Make my day. 
Wouldn't you want to be remembered?
Do you see what I meant about my randomness? I have met only a few people who've been able to keep up with my tangents. 
Anyhow, I'll wrap it up. Beware the blog inhabited by Sam Winchester, Percy Jackson, Eddard Stark, Spider-man and Captain Kirk all at the same time. 
May your swords stay sharp and your chocolate stocks always plentiful.