Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Put the Angels Back In the Outfield

Congratulations, dear reader! You've just walked into my second certifiable, 100% pure fandom post. I pity your sanity from this point on if you continue into the wild, dark, fangirly recesses of my mind. I must, however, give a warning. If you're a watcher of SPN and a fan of a certain angel, may I humbly suggest you leave just about now. I'll try and not make this too...female dog-ish, but I can promise nothing when it comes to my complaints with fandom business.
Now, without further ado, my unpopular opinion essay on why I wouldn't exactly be sobbing if Misha left the show. Spoilers ahoy(SPN S. 5)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Red String

I've been thinking a lot that if I'm not sure whether I want my two main characters to have tension, I should probably stop making them gaze longingly at each other.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

First Impressions

"I'm in so deep."
I have heard these words in conjunction with exactly one topic: fandoms. And also maybe divers, I don't know. But fandoms.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Of Brownings and Blood

The strangest Google searches are those of an author.
Let me think. What have I referenced? Decomposition, ghosts, how long it takes to kill someone in various circumstances...and the weapons. So many searches for different knives and guns. I mean, how would the government feel if they knew some random person was suddenly doing copious research on what gun is appropriate for what task? Oh, wait, they do.